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A Day of Perfection!
So today was a day to mark the record books. I was productive from sun up to sun down. I crafted, cooked, organized closets, and even fit in my office work. If I could only make every day like today. I was just telling Joe the other day, gosh I am feeling lazy...just not feeling like doing things and kind of blah. Well the last few days have been great. I think I had an Oprah "Aha" moment. Life is what you make it, so enough of a break for me I got motivated. I swear all of the sudden things have clicked, well today a bit abnormal ( I did just feel like I was missing my apron at dinner to complete my 1950s housewife day) It seems like life just got easier (or my kids got better) I spent the last few days prepping for Hadleys second birthday party. I always say it will be low key no big deal. That is what I tell Joe anyway, well lets just say this DIY birthday party has given me a run for my money. I told my dad the other day I am crafting, he said "you and crafter don't seem to go together" and my sister telling me I have become a "compulsive crafter" that is true, very true. I did almost not make it through my home economics class in middle school . Well times have changed and this little farm wife has gotten crafty..super crafty. I guess this is part of the mom years, you decorate a month early for every holiday, and you learn to get crafty. What is next knitting and Bingo? That is scary. So almost organized for the party with a few more things to do. The girls have still been laying low from their cold, and finally back to normal. Which means Avery is back to Pre K. On the farm front, it is still lamb central around here. I don't have a count but there is a ton of babies. The guys are working around the clock, and have defiantly mastered bottle feeding. Projects are on hold due to the number of babies and soon to come babies. We are back in full swing milking as well, which means normal schedule. So more projects, stories and days of perfection to come!!

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