So I finally got a chance to take some pictures of our latest farm project that the guys have been working on. The new cow alley way is complete and the cows (not ours) can now run from one part of the property to the other without getting the sheep fields a mess. We will also be able to use this alley for sheep when we move them to different pastures so it will work well. We also had our second black lamb of the week. My personal favorite love all their markings. We still have been super busy with farm tours and people visiting so that has been keeping Joe busy along with dairy plan. Entering all those sheep as they are born is quite a task. I have been doubling my time in the office now that we are busier working hard on branding, trademarks, payroll all that fun stuff. I have to admit not a bad time with a great view and all the animals around! It seems to be a different type of noise vs arguing girls! So lots more to come, more lambs, projects and little farm girls!
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