Sunday, November 10, 2013


Not November!!! Say it isn't so.  Hard to believe it is already the second week of November and my days are still crazier than ever.  On the plus side I am blogging ahead of schedule!  On the family front it is hectic.  Days are filled with endless kid and farm activities, my mornings seem to be starting earlier and nights are getting later.  The girls are growing up so so fast (tear) they are both little kids no more babies, no more toddlers, just little kids running around the house!  Makes me realize that everyone is goes by so fast and each minute is truly precious!  Avery has been still enjoying her swim team (kind of odd being a swim mom since I know absolutely nothing about swim except for floating and drowning)  but hey she loves it and hasn't complained once!  Hadley has been still pony obsessed. She along with a few of my clients got to attend her first horse show.  She only did lead line but hey it was a big deal.  I have to admit I really enjoyed walking her around the class and and seeing her so serious..and proud.  Pretty fun to have the whole family ringside again, and be back in teaching mode.  It was a great season closer.  Feeling so lucky to have such a great family!  We also had a great month with Mammie visiting (although it went fast) we had a great time.  This month we also said goodbye to my Grandpa Balcerzak.  My sister and I flew back east to gather with the whole (meaning there are a lot of Balcerzaks) and celebrate a great life he had.  Lots of tears, laughs and memories shared.  Again very thankful for such a great big tight knit family. Joe just as busy....but not to busy to craft!  Yup I mean craft...and how did I get so lucky?  I wanted show bows (see horse show photos for Hadley) The pony mom I am didn't order them in time so decided I can make these....well Mr. McCrafty decided to whip them out, the perfect top notch show bows (he is simply amazing)  his response.  He doesn't like me to know everything he can do.  Well secret is out and looks like he has a very....VERY long honey do list now. 
On the farm.  Projects...projects, projects.  Lamb barn has been re arranged once again (life on the farm) just like moving sofas....but we move mini pens and 100's of lambs.  All the same I guess.  Fields are plowed and seeding this week.  Lambs are still arriving (yes still) ewe barn renovation is ALMOST.... really almost finished.  Still milking lots of ewes, I lost count at this point, which is hard to believe since we are in our slow time.  Starting to think that our slow time is non existent!  New beginnings on the farm which we are VERY excited about .  (news on that soon)  Stay Tuned!!

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