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Must Be May
Hello May. I know these blogs are about our crazy life, but it seems life has gotten a bit crazier. Girls are loving their new school and in full swing with new friends...meaning lots more activities. That being said I live in my car. Yes I remember my mom always just driving us around {mom taxi} well I am in that phase now. Joe and I had a chance to visit Averys new school for her first grade open house. So neat to see how much she is doing and how darn fun first grade is!! Contraction surgery, reading detectives and a few fun field trips each month including Bodega Marine lab, getting to meet a real life childrens author. Ok I admit it as parents I think we both want to be first graders again. Hadley is still in pony mode! She rides her pony daily and we can't possibly fit anymore real or play ponies around here! Full pony capacity at the farm. She also has met lots of new little friends and truly adjusting to all the change we have had in the past few months. I am just trying to keep a float with a new full list each day. Joe, BUSY he is working his butt off now with major deadlines around the farm. To do lists and schedules are our new favorite! We are still making daily trips to home improvement stores, we still have marital design disagreements in the aisles. I have to admit, the more and more we do together the more we are agreeing. {who knew}
On the farm. {deep breath} not even sure where to start. We are still in full construction mode working endless hours trying to meet our creamery completion deadline. We again are so lucky we have such support and help, we couldn't do it without everyone. The creamery is almost complete. We now have plumbing, electricity, tile, a walk in refrigerator and much more. Learning things take longer than expected and my "can't you just do that real quick" is never really the case. All of our creamery cottages are in place and primed. Now the fancy part {asphalt} yes pretty exciting stuff! with an added bonus for a bike pad for the girls. Each day is a challenge and hard work but now that everything is coming together we are pretty darn excited. We now have official CDFA approved bottle labels! Thank goodness for awesome designers for making our vision a reality! Oh sheep, lots of them too. We are still lambing, still milking. This all wouldn't be possibly without our ladies!! Our milk ladies that is. So lots of photos and lots more to come!!



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