Thursday, February 24, 2011

Girl Chat....and puddle jumping

I have been loving all the company out at the farm, those of you that have been here know it is a bit of a drive out.  If you live in town it feels like your driving an hour. I enjoyed the afternoon with a few girlfriends Tina Ruggeiro and Jenny Bello, who came out for lunch and the farm tour, but the weather didn't permit it was pouring outside.  Tina and Avery decided to make the trek out to see the new lambs with Joe and puddle jump. Now if we had that cute little golf cart I pictured I wouldn't have this problem we would have all gone.  Knowing Joe if I mention golf cart he would bring me some golf cart from 1970 with three wheels.  So I think I will wait on that one and pick out my own!!  I have to admit an afternoon with girl talk does wonders. Thanks for the vino and flowers ladies :)  Yes.... I got flowers...those would think they were from Joe but actually they were from Jenny and Tina.   Joes response was "oh cool that saves me from buying them".  Only Joe would have that response. Speaking of the hubby, I have heard that some people who follow this blog that think I am to hard on Joe.  Well he is just fine and can really hold his own  and a little to well if you ask me!!  Mostly I am just joking...MOSTLY.  So I love him to pieces and remember he is just fine.....I am not to hard......I still make dinner (crockpot mostly) and do all those wifey requirements.  So more projects, bickering and a local crab feed (preschool fundraiser) to come !!

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