Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

So to put it lightly we have had an abundance of rain here lately.  I swear it has been raining non stop for the past month, with only a few days of sunshine here and there.  So the animals and farm are pretty much water logged.  Most projects have been at a standstill since the weather just hasn't given us a break.  We are still having babies daily and have many more to come.  We are super lucky to have all the barn space here so all the sheep can stay warm and dry.  (only I think of that....Joe laughs saying they do have wool for warmth)  If it were up to me they would probably have personalized blankets :)  This past week we received our IMS approval, so we are now a Grade A dairy with IMS approval !!  All the hard work is finally paying off.  The sheep and goat rep from Westphalia Surge came this week from Germany to talk with Tony and Joe and come out to see our parlor as well as a few others in the area.  See that's why I am so OCD on keeping things neat and tidy.  Now if I can just have this darn rain go away we could start the summer projects.  We are going to try a new breeding schedule this year with some of the sheep that haven't been bred.  Sheep only breed seasonally so breeding them off season can be a bit difficult, so with help from our vet and precise planning, we are going to hopefully have babies year round. That will enable us to be milking year round, with a few different groups of sheep.  I have to admit all this sheep information is quite overwhelming.  I spend myself at night reading researching about sheep, then dreaming about sheep, endless discussions about sheep.  It is now a factor of our life, and I am quite interested. So more sheep, more lambs, and more projects and hopefully some sunshine to come!!

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