Thursday, April 21, 2011

Preschool Spring Show

So as I blogged before I am loving Averys little preschool.  They just did a little spring performance show with dinner a singing performance and a raffle.  I was so excited to see Avery get up on the little stage and sing, I for sure thought she would get shy and freeze up, but she was a champ!!  Thanks to all the family that came to watch and Kristin (she came with me since Joe was out of town) The kids performed a series of songs and Avery jumped right in and sang away.  It was a proud moment as a mom, hard to believe she is so big already.  I just feel life flashing by and I am learning to cherish each moment. Joe missed a wonderful moment, but I got a little video of her in action.  She was a proud little girl, so I am sure we will hear about the spring show for weeks to come.  So many more great memories, pround mom moments and more shows to come !!

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