Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Haverton Farm Tour

So we had a visit from the animal science class from UC Davis.  Thanks to Jessica Botelho for setting up the tour, Professor Ed DePeters and all the great students that came to see our operation.  I have to admit the guys did a great job of whipping the place into shape.  During the tour I realized how much we have done is such a short amount of time. Watching Joe talk really made me a proud wife, to see him so happy, and proud of what has come of Haverton Hill.  He did explain at the end of the tour "Happy Wife, Happy Life"  talking about all the work he has done.  I just had to laugh out loud and explain to the class (of all girls) that he was just saying that, and he does do his fair share of complaining.  So great people and great tour.  We have still been having lambs, and we had a super special addition "phantom of the opera"  that I think is just going to have to stay with us as a pet?  Joe doesn't know that yet, I can hide new clothes with tags still on, I am sure I will find a way to hide a funny looking sheep.  On another note I had back to school night with Avery.  We got to meet all the new kids going to shoreline acres next year and see Averys special projects and artwork.  I can't believe she is going to be 4, amazing how fast time goes by.  Judging by the wrinkles on my face I am not 20 anymore :)  Joe got off the hook and got to stay home with Hadley since she hasn't been feeling great.  She had her check up yesterday  at the pediatrician and got 4 shots, poor girl.  She is 27 pounds and 34" tall.  So needless to say Joe and I throw hefty tall kids.  Not sure if that is a good thing since they are girls. So farm projects to be continued and more stories to come!!


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