Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summertime, Sunshine....and Painting

So it is officially summer, with that being said the sun is finally shining, the kids are up bright and early.  We had our first summer playgroup get together this week.  Let me just chime in and wish I was young again.  The kids had so much fun playing together and painting with shaving cream, jumping on the trampoline, and Hadley thoroughly enjoyed every bodies snacks they brought.  I feel so lucky to have met such great moms who are just so welcoming I had a blast!!  It always nice to hear you are not the only one to have to leave the grocery store because of your misbehaving children!!  I look forward to forming new friendships with the moms and kids and can't wait for the next play date.  I am probably as excited as the kids. The projects continued around the house this week and I actually finally got to paint the barn and pony pen.  Again this little pony is one lucky guy.  I washed and sprayed and was looking a hot mess after but....its done...well almost a few decorative touches left to go but its all painted.  Its amazing what I can accomplish when my kids are occupied (thanks grandma jolene).  Joe is working away at his garden and went to Petaluma Seed bank with Avery.  She was so excited to go pick out seeds for the garden with daddy.  So this week we will officially have a garden (courtesy of Joe and Avery)  So more projects, finishing touches and sunshine to come....Well no more sunshine for me that so called tan I worked on while painting is more like a burnt lobster.  Thank goodness for aloe vera.

Summer creative play ?

well...not sure how she is going to figure this one out

Summer Playgroup

Before barn/pony pen

After some white paint

Pony pen after

Checking out his new fence


Here chicky chicky chicky

Garden before

Enjoying dinner in his new pen

Halfway there

squirt gun time

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