Sunday, July 10, 2011

Filling the hours

So the nice leisurely days of easy are now over in my world.  Especially now that the girls are both running around, and in their absorb everything like a sponge stage.  I wake up wondering if I should add a shot of baileys to my coffee or just pop open a mountain dew...yes the classic mountain dew, love in every sip.  I now have to plan days and activities and how we will effectively fill the hours of each day. I must admit the girls artic cat of craigslist is worth every penny, it has consumed hours lately especially since Joe added the lawnmower battery.  We can now go all the way out back and explore.  Avery also has taken an  interest in riding and Kingsley.  She groomed him for the first time on her own this week, so special.  She also finally trotted on him....full of giggles and bounces the whole time.  Joe and I found another pony for Hadley.  We laugh that some things are  just meant to be.  I have driven by this pony for a good 4 years now....every time saying what a cute small pony he is, even before we bought Kingsley.  Well that pony happened to fall in our lap and will be here in a few weeks.  So now the girls, can lead line and learn their ponies together....and Joey and I well, we should shrink in size by the day since we will be lead-lining them around.  So judging by my kids I better be supermodel size in a few months.  The barn projects are continuing  and the new feed stanchions that were built have arrived.  The guys have been busy renovating and retro fitting the last two barns for sheep.  Joe and I are preparing for our trip back east to visit my family and relax....yes that's right relax well hopefully :)  We are also super excited for our visit to Old Chatham Sheepherding Company.  That is the largest sheep dairy in the US....and judging by the website and barns, I am sure that honey do list will be a mile long after our trip.  So super busy week, more packed days filled with giggles.  More to come.

box time with daddy

sister time

all you need is a box

my handsome bbq master

show time

this is what happens when Joe doesn't listen

working sheep with papa tony

all ready to milk

something we found while exploring

my favorite tree on the property

road block

texting while driving  = not allowed

back view of the barns

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