Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another Day...Another Project

So after we finished up birthday party mode and cleanup, Joe was instantly back to work the next day working on farm projects.  I swear projects are never ending....we give a new meaning to projects around here. The guys worked all day finishing up the shearing/work barn minus the paint.  It looks great and quite a neat setup.  The girls and I got back to normal life and traded in the cute clothes for play clothes and dirty shoes (ahh the country life)  who would of thought cute espadrilles yesterday to muck boots today!! The girls enjoyed chasing around sheep and getting down and mucky...yes mucky that means running in water then running in the sheep pen=dirty kids!! The girls also spent time with Fritz and Kingsley today and groomed them and sat on them, time to get them saddled up and ride them now they are settled in together.  Fritz figured out how to break into the tack room and got caught   trying to open the treat bag.  Joe well he is  not used to ponies getting into everything and causing trouble !! I think he still thinks the deer got his corn:)  deer/ponies same thing right!! So a week full of swim lessons, more projects, and a big actually 4th birthday to come !!

a little help from Ellie

some real herding

now that is what we call mucky

papa tony

barn picnic

busted treats open!!

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