Sunday, August 21, 2011

The big 4 and lots of sheep

So Friday was the day Avery actually turned 4.  She was super excited to not be three anymore, I am sure she won't thing that at 40.  We enjoyed a super special day starting with Doughnuts for breakfast and clover chocolate milk (her fav) and then spent the day with Grandma Lori, Brey, Layla, and a few hours with grandma Jolene too, then family dinner to follow.  Her request cheese tortellini with pesto, and popsicles.  Now that's my girl a dinner I could handle!! So a great day with special people and now on to the big 4 and many new memories to come!!  The farm has been super busy with separating sheep.  It is quite a process when you sort 600+ sheep then the lambs on top of that.  Joe, his dad and Jorge worked hard all day separating sheep into age, size, bred, non bred to get ready to shear and put back with rams.  We just started using a dairy plan program for herd data and statistics.  Super neat to watch the sheep zip through that new shearing would have been oh so much better if I had got it painted :)  That will be my next project.  Avery and Hadley graciously helped papa tony herd the sheep (hupping up the sheep is what we call it)  I have to admit they do pretty good!! So makeover day here at Haverton Hill tomorrow, with all new freshly sheared sheep to come!!

Birthday morning..yes they have undressed babies with ratty hair

yes...this is what happens when cuzzy comes to the farm (brand new socks at that)

Laylas first Artic Cat drive

Layla cuzzy learning to drive

just a little 4th birthday nibble

Birthday cheers

Fritz boy loving his pasture time

the new shearing/work shoot

two of our lady lambs

just waiting with papa tony

oh...just a little temper tantrum, not always smiles around here ;)

all tired out after helping daddy and papa

Whose stroller is this

watch out she is starting to move sheep

one of the herds

Kisses and a pacifier for Zoey

Moving up the sheep with Daddy

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