Friday, August 5, 2011


So finally back home and a chance to blog.  I feel like I have been so busy I have hardly had a chance to do laundry...and mind you I do a good 3 loads a the laundry room not so pretty at the moment.  Joe, my in laws and the girls heading down to Disneyland (the most magical place on earth)  We had an amazing time and the girls had a blast.  Well Hadley still a bit young to really enjoy, loved the rides, the characters were of her interest for a minute until food was around then on to food she went. Avery loved the princess and parades and soaked up each minute.  I forgot how most of the rides are a bit scary.  Poor girl, Snow White probably wasn't the best choice for the first ride:(  Lets hope she is young enough to forget mommy took her on scary rides at Disney!! So a few days spent full of imagination, eating lots of yummy treats,  meals with the characters,smiling and hugging lots of princesses, many fun rides and lots of great memories!! Thanks to my awesome in laws for a memorable trip and for spoiling us all rotten!!  Now back to reality  (although our house is small and does remind me a bit of mickeys house)  More projects, a new swing set, lots of birthday prep and tons of painting to come!!  

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