Friday, September 2, 2011

Bodega Bay

So the girls and I headed out to my mom (grandma lori and papa carls) house in Bodega Bay for a cuzzy slumber party.  Layla was at grandma and papa so we thought we would make a night of it and visit!!  So much fun watching the cuzzies play and enjoy each other.  I spent my time relaxing and enjoying all those giggle and smiles.  We got and early start and headed down to the beach and park with the girls and Ellie. I put mom in charge of Ellie and I walked all three girls.  Its still a toss up on who had it harder?  Ellie dragged mom the whole way to the ocean, take the dog off of the farm and she gets a little excited!!  Hadley made huge progress and loved the sand far cry from our first beach trip.  The girls rad around and had a few races then spent some time at the development park!! So fun, I have to admit it was just what I need a bit of family time and some relaxation all the while sounds of waves, seals, and little girl giggles around!!  What a great time!!  More to come!!

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