Monday, September 5, 2011

Paint Projects

So Joe and I finally decided its time to get serious about farm projects (the ones I think are important like paint cleanup etc)  So without hesitation...which is not the normal he agreed to help me start with the shearing barn.  I was hoping to get it painted a few weeks ago, but no such luck.  So today was the day, and unfortunately for Joe he was on call and had a nightly refrigeration call  and was up all night from 10:30pm to 5:30am.  Seriously if that were me I would be crying just thinking about painting.  So on I went with a exhausted husband in tow.  We tackled the shearing barn and finished it ....well almost.  The plan was to paint the barns white, seeing that some of the barns are ancient and not well maintained the wood seems to show right through.  So now both exhausted Joe defiantly more so, we decided the shearing barn should be green.  I am sure Joe was super thankful of his picky perfectionist wife today :)  I also starting the first coat on the lamb nursery barn.  Starting to look great and I am eager to finish!!  I also had the chance to help move sheep from across the street back to our barn side. (seeing that the neighbors have seen mountain lion prints that are fresh around their property, which are sheep graze their fence)  So playing it safe we decided to move them for a bit.  Joe and I had a good laugh this was our date day working side by side all day long, well we both are still alive so I guess that is a good thing. I am bound and determined to make that little picture in my head a reality !! So a day full of paint and dust and one tired husband we got a ton done. Amazing what I can get done with a babysitter for the girls!! So more painting and projects to come!!

Shearing barn paint #1

Shearing barn after

Lamb nursery before

Feeders and gates are done for the lamb nursery barn

Lamb nursery barn halfway

Joe welding making old fence new again

Starting  another project

Excited for some new pasture

Turner taking a trough swim after a good end to a long day

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