Friday, October 14, 2011

Mudroom re do and some Preschool Fun!!

So I said house projects were done, well a few days in the house and a week of rain around here, the girls not feeling well.. the plan changed.  I realized that we live on  a farm.  Every farm has a mudroom (a functional practical mudroom)  Well ours was as it was a year ago, not practical, no storage and a mess.  Joe, well his quote "whats wrong with the mudroom"?  Again our visions differ quite a bit, he wouldn't mind muddy boot marks all over are wood floors.  Our house is small so a functional mudroom that looks cute also is a must.  So I made a trip to IKEA and stocked up on some storage items.  I still have a ways to go but have a good start.  Oh and IKEA...not easy to put together.  Thanks to Tina for playing with the girls while I got a start and to Joe for helping finish the shoe cabinet that took 3 hours to put together.  Yikes!  So more to come on that project hoping to get it finished this next week.  Oh and the front fence still unfinished and not painted.  I am going to start calling myself Joe if I can't get it together and finished in a week.  Avery had her preschool Jog A thon this week, which was my favorite school function last year.  All the kids race around the school track, get sprayed with a hose and get a mark for every lap.....and they get sponsored (thanks grandma and grandpas for the sponsoring).  I took my mom along to watch and hang out with Hadley.  Boy, what fun all the kids had, so fun to see all of them smile so big and run so hard.  Oh and that little small town school with a great preschool teacher and awesome parents made me leave with a smile too!!  So crazy busy week on the farm, more projects and mamie (grandma sally) to come!!

the mudroom last year :(
The shoe cabinet all tidy

Preschool Jog A thon
Mom hanging out watching with Hadley

still running

Miss Hadley...all you need is a fedora flip flops and pullup

Avery all dressed up for shopping??

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