Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Goodbye October

Well I am always saying time goes by so fast.  Well this month wasn't any different.  I went to bed last night thankful for a great month but so happy its over.  It seems like October was a packed month with something on the calendar every day.  Family visiting, our nephew Landon was born, field trips, play dates, Halloween and much much more.  I am writing this and it exhausts me.  Joe and I got laughing last night when we turned out the lights at 8:30 and purely exhausted...yes this is what our life has come to.  I am not sure if this is part of the "mom years" or not.  We have been buzzing around the farm like bees again in preparation for our farm tour.  We are finally almost finished.  Fresh paint, cobwebs gone freshly raked barns.  All milking equipment officially installed and working.  Milk parlor power washed.  Gates all hung and level.  Phew.....quite the list and a little more left to do and we are good to go.  We hosted our first field trip to about 40 kids and adults from the Community home school program.  Families came all the way from Mill Valley and Cloverdale to take a tour and learn a little about the sheep dairy.  So fun, Joe.....well he did great.  I know he was nervous about the tour and keeping the kids attention.  I was so proud of him and the kids well, they had a blast. Oh..and those puppies had a great time visiting with so many people.  I guess the not suppose to socialize doesn't really work with our farm. So this week ahead we have the official farm tour  and attending a conferences full days Thurs- Saturday. Then back to normal life. I am looking forward to slowing down a bit and relaxing.  The girls are growing so fast and just so fun to be around, most of the days anyways.  We had a great Halloween with starting with Averys preschool party and parade finishing out with a little trick or treating!! Glad October is over and November is very suiting for us....a month to be thankful for all we have.  Thanks to all our family for such a great month and being so supportive and making all the girls functions and those special grandma days they look forward too!

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