Monday, November 21, 2011

Lots of Thanks!!

So since I have been in winter hibernation/slow mode I am only blogging once a week.  Well seems like that is what I have time for at the moment. Things around the house are still the same, yes after a few weeks of no house projects I am getting a little itchy for another one!  Although Joe is not in slow mode...he actually fixed the house plumbing.  There is old copper plumbing in the house so the tub always drained awfully slow, so thanks to my handy husband he got it all re plumbed and fixed.  I like a husband non slow mode around the house, although who am I kidding he is in major slow mode as far as picking up the kitchen and sweeping after his muddy boots :) So feeling guilty for being lazy, I am looking forward to some new projects and holiday decorating.  The girls have been great...yes so good with each other (lets hope this doesn't jinx me) we even tackled the grocery store a few times and didn't have to leave or have any screams or tears, a major hurdle in our household. We have had a fun filled week with a jumpy birthday party and play dates! The farm projects have restarted, well the animal kind.  We have started rotational grazing of all our sheep on the newly planted fields, and re arranged every group and barn.  So now we are animal reorganized.  We starting lambing this week and have five lambs total. So fun to see the new babies and boy do Avery and Hadley love the lambs.  We take daily barn walks to give them afternoon snacks!! So a great busy week, ready to enjoy family and thanksgiving.  Still need prayers for Averys little friend Gianna who is still at UCSF wishing each day for progress and a speedy recovery! More projects and stories to come!

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