Sunday, November 27, 2011

Marital Arguments

So this past week we had  our Thanksgiving.  Well we had two, Joeys family and my family.  We spent the day with family enjoying good company and good food.  Too much food with eating at two places.  I also attempted black Friday with my girlfriends.  We met at Starbucks at 5am (its amazing how untired I was getting up at 4am when you know you are going shopping)  Well I think we missed the rush of things seeing that most stores opened at midnight.  On the house front we are officially in full holiday swing.  We have the house all decorated inside and out.  Joe even decided to help with putting up lights on the fence and house.  We got lazy this year and got our tree from Lowes, (it seemed easy)  since we needed lights too it seemed like the best option.  Well noting my previous posts (lowes causes marital arguments) Joe and I yet again had a marital argument in the light aisle (noting like christmas spirit).  He seemed to think we needed the string of lights with the lights built in.  I seemed to think I would like traditional.  We aren't in Vegas and the lights he picked out reminded me of Vegas or a movie theater aisle lighting, I couldn't believe he was serious.  Then again two days ago he told me he wanted a puffy recliner.  So a little banter back and forth we left with traditional lights, and they are hung.  Although he did try to string a lime green extension cord down my white house (seriously)  then he repeatedly told me that we should just leave the lights up after Christmas, "you don't even notice them" .  Well we all know where that argument went.  They are coming down.  Sometimes I wonder (what would Joes life look like without me) well that image is a bit scary. So, so fun to decorate for Christmas even with the marital arguments .  I can't emphasize enough how big Santa is in this house, its a very exciting time of year.
On the farm front we officially started lambing.  We are now have 18 lambs in a matter of days.  We even got to watch a set of triplets be born. Amazing what can make toddlers sit quietly (and if that is what it takes for 30 minutes of quiet) we are there.  The projects are back in full swing with work on the feed wagon continuing and some more custom work stations being built more to come on that.  The farm is also fully decorated for the holidays.  I think the guys thought Jolene and I were a bit nuts decorating the barn so cute.  Thanks to her for all those cute burlap bows !! So now more babies, projects and milking to come!

so glad we got the traditional lights

all decorated

homemade egg nog sheep milk ice cream..yummy

cozy movie time

brand new lamb

even Zeus is quiet to watch the lambs be born

another new baby

chatting with the sheep

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