Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunny Farm Days

So now that things are back to normal, I have been enjoying the last few days with normal day to day things.  I actually got caught up on laundry and finally a clean house.  Amazing how normal kid naps allow productive time, I seem to become mighty mom when everyone is sleeping and get quite a bit done off my list. I have been loving not having to rush the girls to grandmas house so I can work.  They are now able to be home and work with me.  Yes we even made mud pies fun, and dirty.  We got to clean our chicken coop and get our fresh eggs, and boy do we have eggs lots of them.  The girls go down to the barn with me daily to check on the puppies and sheep, then back down to see daddy when he gets home to do their nightly run through the milking parlor.  Today I spent the time watching them giggle and play.  So fun to see them so happy, amazing how fast they are growing up.  We even planted all my mums today...which don't look like mums after the sheep ate all the flowers but hopefully they will come back, part of the farm life. So a happy fall day, filled with sunshine, mud pies, giggles, and smiles.  I am super lucky to have such a great life...feeling fortunate. Tomorrow may be another story :) More to come!!

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