Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Farm Work, Visits, and Daddy Time!

So the girls anxiously awaited Joes arrival home and we even made him a cute little welcome home banner.  Yes a fun colored banner, a bit over the top if you ask me but completely appropriate for a 4 and 2 year old.  The girls were super excited to see him and have him back home.  They spent most of the weekend with plenty of daddy time each getting their own one on one time.  That doesn't happen often seeing that we are both so busy and Joe usually works so much on the weekends.  Well he took a break each afternoon and enjoyed his special girl time. They even had a special daddy pizza night last night making their own special pizzas.  So funny to watch Joe tell them to be careful with the pizza dough and flour (really, coming from the guy who wears barn boots in my house) so lots of fun and giggles on the home front for us.  Joes conclusion of the weekend that the girls are growing up way to fast. As Avery would day dad come on I am going to be 5 (in her mind I guess that means time to leave the house)
On the farm front Joe and I spent Friday morning helping the guys organize things around the ranch and pick up around the barns.  I spent the morning bedding, sweating, moving sheep and many other non girly things. I worked so hard I ripped my muck boots to complete my morning with wet manure soaked socks (lovely I know) that's when I called it a morning to come up to the house to become a girl again, nail painting and all.  We visitors from Cornell University come to see the farm.  I was super excited about this visit seeing that New York is my home state.  It was a great visit and we are always glad to meet new people in the industry and  have visitors come see the farm and our operation. Joe and I are looking forward to all the new farms and research that are starting up in the sheep industry. We are filling up our holding pen and now milking 231 sheep.  We are still loving our milk meters and very happy with our overall herd average.  This week our second phase (200 sheep) will be ultra sounded to confirm pregnancy and estimated due date. So lots more to come!

pizza time, working on the dough

forget pizza making water play is much better

all done

new winter flowers @ the barn

We all helped feed lambs @ lunch

Turner just watched

One of the rams (they don't get enough face time have to work on more pics of them)

the holding pen

filling up all ready to milk

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