Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break & Spring Lambs

Well it is officially our spring break.  Avery has a week off from school so we started off with a great Easter filled with lots of food and lots of family time filled with egg hunts,  a yummy lamb (well I heard it was amazing)  I don't eat lamb.  I have a rule if I see it I will not eat it.  So all that homegrown pork and lamb.  Yes I won't even cook it.  Have a major guilt trip if I even open the freezer @ the barn.  I am a processed food grocery store girl.  Joe and the girls on the other hand are the prime examples of farm fresh. Avery is on spring break this week and has no school.  We enjoyed the start to the week, but honestly Monday night once the sister battles started I did have a minor moment of panic.  Summer is just around the corner and there is no school.  I will have plan accordingly and have activities and grandma days planned to survive. I managed to get some major yard work done around the house this week.  I told Joe the other night at dinner as he looked @ me like I was speaking a different language.  I said you know the other day on the way home from school I saw someone weed eating and they had a backpack sort of thing with metal arms on the weed eater.  I could really use one of those.  Yes I was serious, and yes that is WAY to country for me, I can just picture myself out with one of those and grass in my teeth and hair (so girly)   I do admit I love a manicured lawn, it's and east coast thing.  
On the farm front the rain has arrived and so have our spring lambs.  We started lambing a few weeks ago slowly, but the last few days have been filled with lambs.  We had 32 lambs in 36 hours.  In those we had a set of quadruplets.  All the lambs were born healthy we had a few small ones but seem to be doing fine. The lamb barn is now almost full, really full! Our projects this week have been the sheep and lambs. That has been quite the job managing all those lambs, and it is only Tuesday!  I can only imagine what the last half of the week will bring.  All part of living on a farm! More to come!

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