Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall on the farm...and Sheep!

Well I am back at it.  Blogging that is, I have had quite a few complaints about not blogging regularly. Who knew this blog is read daily.  Well Seeing that I haven't blogged since last month.....lots has happened.  We as usual are very busy.  The girls are growing so fast, too fast if you ask Joe and I.  Avery, well she is all finished with soccer and finished up her last game with a goal.  So proud of her, but so over soccer every weekend, She had a great season filled with lots of family attending games (thanks to everyone for making each game) she is a lucky girl.  She is still loving school, and the school bus.  She has been filled with stories including "My bus got speakers" yes exactly like that, and they played my song "whistle baby"  so I had to laugh that the bus has speakers, and the bus is playing Flo Rida and Chris Brown, and that Avery knows how to sing them.  Again getting big too fast.  Hadley, well she has been my little helper all month seeing that she is in a mommy phase.  What is a mommy phase you ask?  Well, I do nothing alone, I go nowhere without Hadley, and if anyone else tries to help she freaks out. Yup, again must be part of the mom years.  So I have been breaking this phase by shipping her to grandma and papa for a night a week for her own special non mommy time!  We have also been preschool hunting for her seeing that she is old enough to go now.  We found an adorable little school close to home that seems like it will be a great fit!  Thanks to my bestie Kristin (preschool extraordinaire) for school searching with me and question asking!!  Joe....well he has had a busy month also filled with packed work days, farm projects and even managed to squeeze in a hunting trip with one of his best friends in Nevada for a week.  The main question asked while he was gone.."Do you miss Joe"?  Well I did miss him....but I have to say I slept like a baby, the kids were calm and in bed on time.  The house stayed clean, and the laundry done and folded, I squeezed in a special farm dinner with my besties, well...you get my drift?  I had a week vacation also!  I this month have been super busy with my new farm projects and construction, rebuilding, painting, and much much more has begun. So so excited things are falling into place. But new projects mean  Joe and I are back to our marital project design arguments! Who knew we could be so passionate  (tile or FRP or walk in box vs commercial freezer) so the bickerings are back at it.  On top of that I have been getting my weekly riding and teaching lessons in which is always therapeutic (thanks to Errin for being a fun riding buddy and my pumpkin spice friend)  Speaking of Errin (one of my dear mom friends) she convinced me to try Bikram yoga (hot yoga) so not knowing what I was getting myself into,I agree to a one month challenge   CRAZY...I am officially Crazy.  This is pure torture, I think she tricked me into it. I never knew you could sweat so much and that some people could be so flexible (makes for an amusing torturing class) So a few weeks left of my one month challenge to go  (that is if I can drag myself to class). 
On the farm we are still lambing.  We had a few weeks off having no lambs so a bit of a break for us.  We are still milking 250 ewes which = sheep milk.  The projects are still in full swing.  I seemed to give the guys a long honey do work list while Joe was gone.  New plumbing for the pastures are now complete.  Exciting day for me that means no more hoses laying across the alley ways.  The newly built feed bunker is now in use and working great.  We are looking forward to having a sheep nutritionist coming out to visit and help us with a new feed regimen.  Yes feed regimens change slightly often, due to climbing feed prices, having over 1000 sheep and NO GRASS.  We just have pure dirt for fields, looking forward to rainy season for sure. The girls are still enjoying daily visits to their new pet sheep "Emily"  not known to Joe yet that we have a new friend for "Oreo" and another pet sheep.  On the plus side at least that adorable little sheep shed he built will get some use!  So our month in a nutshell of the farm , friends, and fall. I am sure missing some details.  More to come....SOON!
Farm Dinner with my favorites

Nick's Cove Lunch with Kristin

Kindergarten Jog A thon

Looks like Joe is in trouble!!

Cuzzy Time

Our sweet "Emily"

Our own Ratatouille 

Nevermind  (and all those ask where is Ellie...busy on the farm)

Our Lamb Suppliers

Puppy Hugs

Ellie...back at it again

Our unsocial guard dogs....oops!

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