Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sisters......always put a smile on your face

So I always told Joe I never pictured myself having boys when I thought of having kids.  My family was full of girls and pretty much only girls.  Joeys family boys.  I told him the other day how close I am with my sister.  I love my sister yes we had our fights when we were younger over clothes and other things, but we are still so close and she is is there for me anytime anywhere no matter what. I would love for our kids to have that, they would be so lucky.  My sister was always the girlier, smarter, bossier one of us, which makes me proud.  I remember when we were younger she made my step brother Jason and I scrape all the snow off her car in the morning for a ride to school, if not we rode the bus!! I remember stealing her clothes when she was showering in the morning and hiding them in between my mattresses so I could wear them later. (must of been a blonde moment...since we did attend the same school, she would have noticed)  Well at the time those things were just normal parts of the day we had our days were we didn't get along but always figured it out.  She taught me respect and still to this day what she says goes and I don't question it.  When we travel.....I don't worry she figures it out, as long as we are together we are fine, I love her to pieces and am a super lucky little sister.  I have been noticing Avery and Hadley really bonding lately now that they both have their own little personalities.  Avery wakes up every morning now telling me "Mommy... Hadley Hoo is up"  her new nickname now.  They give each other hugs and kisses.....well they also pull hair and push!!  They help each other out daily, and just do these little things that make Joe and I either laugh or want to cry.  Amazing how close they are.  I find myself smiling realizing they are going to have just what Brey and I had.  The special bond of sisters, I am sure they have no idea now and probably wonder why mommy is staring at them just smiling weirdly?  Later in life I am sure they will appreciate each others clothes, cars, and other things!! So more special moments of sisters and weird smiling stares to come !!

My beautiful sister Brey

Brey, Avery and I

Hadley pulling that's a load

Teaching Hads how to drive the real thing

well at least they are sharing right ??

sissy giggles :)

Brey and I on Halloween

farm stairs Brey, Jill Scott and I 

My Sissy

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