Saturday, April 2, 2011

Finally A Playroom

So today was the day.... I decided to tackle the playroom for the girls.  It is 95% playroom 5% office.  Thanks to a little help from my mother in law, Joe and a great little babysitter Angelina Cheda to occupy the girls while we sorted toys.  I decided to put down carpet instead of the hardwoods like the house.  I thought it would make it a bit cozier.  (oh and I figured I would have a better shot at Joe getting it done vs the hardwoods )So new carpet it was!!  We put down, trim up toys organized and back in.  Now I just have to tackle the final decorating touches.  Speaking of tackle, Joe and I were goofing off today during the playroom project and finally  I got annoyed,I chased after him and boom....down I went on concrete full force right on my knee.  I have to admit... I am in pain which doesn't happen often.  I am left with a knee the size of my thigh....a great look if you ask me.  Joe fell  as well but managed to hit the grass.  He obviously had luck on his side today.  I am getting great sympathy which doesn't happen often so he chipped in a little extra on the playroom.  The almost finished product looks Amazing and I am so excited to have a great fun little space for the girls.  Avery just adores the space, and Hadley well, she already ate some chalk so she must like it.   Joe and his mom also worked on the front entrance sign today which is now in place on the posts and lights up.  It looks better than I pictured it absolutely fits with a cute little golf cart that still doesn't exist :)  Now we just have to finish the landscaping around it and we are set.  So a great day of projects, awesome help.  More finished projects to come and hopefully an unswollen knee.

Toys before....yes we have to many toys...can you spot the dog ?

The Hubby in action

Angelina and the girls

Little Hadley all dressed up to ride the 4 wheeler

Carpets and Trim in :)

Toys after back in place

Averys Artwork

Almost finished

1 comment:

Ron Balcerzak said...

Playroom looks awesome Miss. Wish I was there to help. The new sign is great, very professional. Nice touch. You guys are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up, I'm proud of you! Love, Dad