Monday, May 9, 2011

Finishing Touches

So the house is finally close to done.  Yay...can I tell you how excited I am about that.  All we need to finish up is the window trim and front fence. At least we have a good month and  half to do, well for Joes sake at least. So I went shopping with my mom and the girls this morning to get plants for the flower boxes instead of shrubs.  We walked by the grass plant that Joe so kindly purchased for my boxes, I showed my mom and she couldn't stop laughing, they get between 3-6 feet tall.  Its the thoughtfulness that counts right? So I planted away and found a home for the new shrubs and all the new flowers.  I throughly enjoy looking out my window now and pulling in the driveway now.  I finally feel like I can take a picture of the house and put it in the baby books.  So progress has been made and that little picture in my head is looking better and better. So more projects, planting and painting to come!!  Thanks mom for all the help around the place and your green thumb...who knew you even had one:)

House before

Front Porch before

Playhouse before

Front Porch After

House After


Front Porch after

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