Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom Years Continued...and Barn Paint

So Mothers Day is one of those days that you realize how lucky you are either to be a mom or to have such a great mom or both.  I always talk about the mom years and trading the designer jeans for gap and the Audi for Tahoe.  Like I said before I always swore I wouldn't be that mom driving around with worn off makeup and a dirty SUV.  Well a few years and two kids later I am.  The rush rush of having two toddlers and days packed with activities and play dates, the last thing on your mind is yourself.  Well mothers day is all about that, and let me just tell you how much I enjoyed it.  Joe made sure I had a weekend of be quite honest he does that weekly, but those much wanted flower boxes for the house got built. They not only got built, but painted and installed.  He and the girls also planted them.  Yes....he took both girls Saturday to pick out plants for my boxes.  Well by plants, I mean shrubs (big shrubs...ones that go in the ground)  too funny you should see my bushes in my flower boxes, I have been laughing since.  He was so proud, I had to leave them for the time being.  I feel so fortunate to have such a great little family Joe and the girls are just my life and I cherish every minute good and bad with them, even despite the lack of me time.  I have learned this mothers day its not about stuff for me (except those much wanted flower boxes) its about just spending it with my family and my mom.  So a great day spent with family and being a spoiled mom !!
The barn projects are finally really underway.  The milk barn got painted and is now complete.  The barn office is now fully sheet rocked and ready to be textured.  The exterior is also painted!!!!!  So I am one happy girl its really starting to look great out there.  Now I just need to give it some curb appeal and a few projects left for the entryway.  We are still having lambs, and the sheep production is still where we want it.  Joe and I are loving the farm life, although we are literally exhausted its only made us stronger (physically and mentally)  so he better learn that "Yes Dear" soon, although He has been really clipping away at my honey do list.  So more finishing touches and painting to come.

The new barn paint

Tony sheet rocking the office

Barn office

Visiting the sheep before milking

one lucky mommy

maybe they will like the royal wedding magazine??

Heading to the barn

Visiting Zeus

Averys new obsession with the royal wedding

Hadley helping daddy work

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