Sunday, May 1, 2011

Painting and Procrastinating!!

So this weekend Joe and I finally decided to tackle the job of painting the house.  Well I decided and Joe just complained the whole time...thats just how we do things !! So those of you that have seen the house from the outside know it does not match the inside.  I would describe the house exterior as a bit rundown with a little bit of white trash to it.  Put it this way when we first moved in all the outside needed was a weight bench and a recliner on the front porch to go along with the peeling paint color and knee high weeds and falling down fence.  Joe seemed to always try to convince me say its not that bad...but he just knows the work we have ahead and tried every which way to tell me or say the house is fine the way it is.  (well you can see for yourself of before pics)  I thought it won't take that long its a little house.  Well....I was wrong.  Two whole days of scrubbing, power washing, furniture staining and house painting.  The house got primed and painted, wood furniture stained and the playroom is almost finished.  The trim is started but needs finishing and more coats still light in color.  To say it lightly I still have tons to do. The flower boxes didn't get built or installed so thats another weekend along with finishing window trim. The progress well we got a ton done....still lots to do.  I am quite pleased with the middle results, Can't wait to see it done.  The picture in my head is finally.......SLOWLY becoming a reality.  As an end note....halfway through spraying the house, since we did paint it white, Joe tells me you can't even tell the difference...we should just leave it primed.  Well I won that battle he painted away and got it done, maybe next time I cut his hair only half will get cut, it would look the same right ?? So more progress pics and lots more painting to come !!

Playroom Before

House Before

House Before

All Primed


First Coat Olive/ Mustard

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