Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Farms, Fun & Frozen Yogurt

So every night I usually stroll out to the barn with the girls to visit Daddy and check on the daily progress. Things are really starting to come together. The new fence is coming along, and it actually looks like new pens and a alleyway.  We are up to 189 milking ewes the holding pen is quite full. I have to do a lamb count....not easy since they play 24/7 and there are so many.  Zoey and Zues are quite playful now and are learning not to jump on people.  I don't think they realize they are small pony size.  Avery snuck in the lamb pen the other day and got a good taste of a super size dog jumping on her.  Lesson learned don't sneak in the pen.  I had a good chuckle last night when we are down at the barn and I look over to see Hadley barefoot standing on rocks and dirt.  I guess she is a farm girl vs beach girl.  No sand in the toes but rocks are just fine? Joe, well I have been keeping him busy.  He put a new battery in the girls artic cat (lawnmower size) so now we have endless power and the girls can drive for hours.  I refreshed his memory that we have a bridal shower here in two months.  Knowing Joe it will be all done in the two weekends before the shower he is not the one to stress in this relationship.  That is unless my daily nagging finally gets to him.  I am sure that is one of the quality characteristics he just loves...constant nagging to get projects finished :) I am still paint sampling and have hopes of painting soon.  I have a bit of and obsession on paint colors my mom laughed when I walked out with 9 samples...that or it could just be I am a bit obsessed with shopping.  Well, I think I have to be in love with it all areas of the house and barn sunshine and not!  So it is up to be stared at and walked by and stared at some more.  I am sure I will drive Joe nuts asking which is his favorite.  (so feel free to chime in on your favorites also)  We hit Snowbunny in Healdsburg for a Frozen Yogurt treat.  The girls love that Grandma and Papa own a frozen yogurt shop....they both had multiple bowls, cones  and cups and a bunch of different toppings so full tummies provided great nap time!! So Joe and I have a super busy week ahead, so more projects to come and hopefully some finished ones also...lets just hope my hubby is in the "yes dear"  mood!!

Just waiting to be milked...and the grain treat

Some more new farm fence

new baby lamb

Sneaky Sneaky

Lesson Learned....Avery and Zoey

Country Girl??

Super excited to have the Artic cat up and running
Testing out the new driveway 

Coming back to the barn after milking
Pulled out a old toy from Great Grandma Irene...Hads loves the bounce pony
It is what it is...not much luck getting two toddlers to smile

Just running around Snowbunny
Yummy Treat
The good bad and the Ugly

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