Monday, September 26, 2011

A House Day, and some new cabinets

So a day at home is filled with cleaning, laundry, kid art projects, completely rearranging my house and some house paint projcets. That about sums up my day.  I found spots for my new clock and giant fork..who doesn't love a giant fork right?  I decided to rearrange my living room...yes again.  Now all the furniture has a home and everyone has a place to sit and see the television.  Poor Joe walked in the door to a new re designed house, have to admit he loved it! (not the normal)!  I also spent the day being crafty and re painting some old frames and putting some new prints in them for the girls room.  I have to say I love the new additions and quotes for their room so fun!  Who would have thought Dr. Suess would have had such fun quotes!  The girls loved helping with projects, and re arranging.  The best part is Avery showing Joe everything we moved in the house...quite the list.  At the barn the new stainless cabinets came in which are going to be a great addition to the milk barn. They are going to house the electronics for the new milk meters.  So Joe couldn't wait and already got a few clamped up in place so I could see what is going to look like.  So a great productive day amazing what I get done when I am home a whole day.  Love having a fun filled creative day with the girls...and thanks mom for the design help as always!!

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