Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Projects and mischievous puppies

 So being Wednesday (my office work day)  I as usual kept super busy.  The weather has been amazing and it seems summer finally hit (even though it is fall).  The farm projects continue.  The fields are being plowed in preparation for seeding. The sheep are still loving all their pasture time.  I love taking my nightly drive with the girls around the ranch and checking on all the sheep.  The puppies...well you can 't all be perfect.  Mo has seemed to be the mischievous one.  I opened the door this morning at the house to find him and Marley chewing on the pumpkins.  Then moving onto the cat (Tully) who they gnawed on a bit.  Around the house, the old (awful , ugly and half fallen down) front fence is now gone.  That has been on the project list for quite sometime, well Joes honey do project list. That project list (house one) is finally starting to get pretty low.  I love not having to nag for every little thing.  I am liking this new and improved husband that has shown up at our house. It is our last big project around the house so I am very ready to be finished.  The new fence starts getting built tomorrow and I can't wait (to look out the kitchen window to a cute clean safe fence).  So a busy day on the farm.  More projects, painting and puppy trouble to come!!


Mo and Marley

Great for those puppy teeth

They found Tully

Brace youself (fence/house before)

Goodbye old fence
Bath nice clean ponies!!

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