Sunday, October 9, 2011

Welcome to the Midwest

So starting off this post I am letting you know I am editing this post.  (it was much worse than described)  So this past week Joe had to travel to Wisconsin for the World Dairy Expo with his day to day job with Arolo Company.  Since Wisconsin is the cheese state there are 25 sheep dairies there, so we decided I would go along and we would visit a few.  First off lets just say I was a bit overdressed for the dairy expo.  I joked with a couple of my girlfriends before I left that, should I be wearing levis, plaid shirt and vest and white tennis shoes?  Well my ballet flats, paige jeans, and fun chandelier earrings were a bit much. I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect....well cows...lots of cows sums it up. As you all know they are not at the top of my list.  We decided to start of by watching a cow show (well these cows I have to say were so nice, groomed and all)  Pretty amazing watching them show. (Although after watching the handlers pull them ....literally pull them around the arena, one time around was enough for me)  Those handlers must be so strong for having to pull them around...and the cows they walk sooo sooo slow. Then we decided to check out all the neat new equipment (robotic men needed to milk... amazing were my favorite) I also came across cow blankets..yes just like the pony blankets we have so that was pretty exciting.  We had the most amazing lunch at Badger Dairy grilled cheese EVER.  So quite an interesting experience to say the least.  Way overdressed, but learned quite a bit about the dairy cow world and actually enjoyed seeing all the new things there are in the dairy equipment world.
After the expo Joe and I drove our first 5 hours.  Lets just say we did some major bonding on this trip we spent sooo much I mean, soooo much time driving to farms.  I have to admit I am a bit worried about our retired life I think we will drive each other nuts!!  We visited four farms total staring with Spooner agricultural research station, Mayfell farms, Dream valley farms, and Hidden Springs creamery.  It was so neat to see and learn so much, we were both very excited to see where some of our sheep came from.  We were very fortunate to see beautiful sheep and meet many new people.  Lets just say Joe and I did quite a bit of talking after driving around in the car for 17 hours total.  Our project list just got extended and were are in full swing getting this farm prepared for all our new lambs due to arrive in a couple months.  I am so glad to be home and say that the Midwest was not for me.  I am not comparing...but I think you are just meant to live in a certain place.  I had a week full of gas stations, that don't sell magazines.  Everyone had a grand am car, the gas stations doubled as a pizza parlour.   Once out of the main city, the hotel had a wood carved bed with a bear on it, with the velour blanket and polyester comforter. So I flashed to the past and as soon as I landed at SFO, I took a big breath and was home. Along with Starbucks, Pinkberry and Kiehls right in the airport.  Although it did take us two and a half hours to get home because traffic was so bad.  So back to our farm...our home right where I belong!! More projects, and stories to come!!

our amazing grilled cheese

some milk meters by GEA
GEA robotic milker

Spooner ARS
Beautiful Drive with all the fall colors
Hidden Springs Farm and Creamery
Joe checking out a state of the art parlor in Wisconsin
Hidden Springs Sheep these lamb pens..those hinges are to die for!!

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