Monday, October 3, 2011

A Nag less Weekend

So this weekend was super packed and filled with all types of projects.  On the farm front, all the equipment came in for the milking meters and ear tag ID.. (I know you all are thinking what is that)  Well once I really know the answer I will fill you in but its seems pretty fancy!! So Saturday I was even put to work helping so some stuff.  Why...well I told Joe last week I really want my front fence done around the house, so I figured I would have a little leverage if I helped with his project. Leverage is an amazing thing in a marriage comes in handy sometimes !!   We also are in major cleanup mode around the farm.  We got a bulldozer dropped off for leveling the driveways and cleaning up quite a bit of land around the barns.  Well since that was dropped off I haven't seen much of the hubby, he is in heaven, and me well it is looking so much cleaner around here so that means happy wife.  I have to say its amazing how run down the ranch was and how much garbage was left around the place, just buried. So that is left for us to cleanup and make pretty quite a task I have to say. I would love nothing more than to pile all that leftover junk and drop it in the old renters yard it would for sure be taller than a house easily!!  Around the house my post title says it all Sunday Joe started my front fence.  We are almost done minus a little section and some pickets.  Now once the weather clears up and the sun is shining I will be out there painting that fence by hand.  So if you drive by you will see cute new fence getting painted a crisp white and happy safe kids running around the yard!! So huge thanks to the best hubby in the world for providing me with a nag less weekend!!  Joe and I head to Wisconsin Wednesday to the World Dairy Expo.  I am joining him since he is headed there for work.  So more projects, cleanup and dairy expo news to come!!

hide in seek out in the back field in pajamas

the start of the front fence

The start of the equipment going in


a quick ride with daddy

Just one of the junk piles left over from the place

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