Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Three Months + Changes

Yet again....a lag in blogging.  At this point I guess I am good for an update every three months.  Another year has come to a close.  Hard to believe 2015 went by so quick and we are already a few months into a new year.  On the home front.  We seem to be fully adjusted to three little girls!  New schedules busier every day, more homework, new activities, and our ever adorable growing baby who this week will be five months.   We are enjoying every moment of our growing girls and growing business.  Joe and I have learned that date days now include a drive to Stockton (not our first choice) but our away time is cherished.  I have learned we compromise well I ride along for his business trips and he has to make a few pit stops on our dive home (shopping included).  After 10 years of marriage and three kids you learn to take any quiet time that you get! It works.
The farm...where to start with an update after three months.   I have always been and honest blogger, and after a few hectic months of daily stresses, business changes, tears, overload of lambs, extra loads of laundry from mud on the farm, days where we wonder is this all worth it?  Can we do this with three kids on our own?  After ever changing day to day challenges on a farm.  We are so lucky to live the life we have happy, healthy and so grateful, but it is challenging.  It is hard. I had my first time in five years where I told Joe it would be so much easier to work for someone else. Go to work and come home.  A bit disappointed in myself, I woke up motivated...very motivated. We have learned to embrace the changes and embrace hectic and crazy.  We have had a crazy few months....with crazy I mean we had 700+ ewes lamb out in a month and a half.  CRAZY!  This is our first year we really tried to time our sheep lambing by groups to try to make the lambing process more efficient. Well efficient it was but short handed we were.  Thank goodness for great family and friends again who always seem to chip in at the drop of a hat when needed! You do know we have to catch all those sheep and lambs from our ever beautiful hills (not an easy task at all) and tag every single one. Green grass....rain has arrived and we are over the moon to have some green grass around the farm and some extra happy sheep!  The creamery is extra busy.  Our product line is soon expanding, and we welcomed our new creamery employee.  Welcome Kelly Moore!   She will be joining us in the creamery + with product sales.  We are so excited to welcome her to the team and excited for what is ahead in 2016. So a gazillion new lambs, our growing family, our growing staff and farm. So stay tuned for whats to come.....in three months!

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