Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Barn Office Texture....and sisterly giggles

So the barn office is fully sheet rocked and the walls are textured.  Next step....paint. So tomorrow is the day paint will finally be going on the walls.  Once again Joe complained about finishing the office and the texturing only took him 10 minutes.  I think the longer he complains the shorter the job.  I am finally learning how he works. It looks great and I can't wait to see it finished.  Floors are being installed on Friday :)  Avery helped Joe texture the walls tonight, it was so cute to see both their faces textured.  The girls have been spending the days fighting like cats and dogs over sharing (we are working on that issue) and then laughing and hugging five minutes later.  The love of sisters, they are just so cute and just love each other to pieces before I know it they will be fighting over clothes and makeup.  I have been loving our days filled with projects, adventures and nightly family desserts.  I am truly lucky to live the life I live and have such a great husband and kids.   Well today anyways ;)  So more painting to come and I am sure some more fits will be thrown into the mix also.

all ready for paint

my new throw pillows

racing around the house

sister giggles

Hadley 16 months

textured faces

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new throws and paint colors! You've got a good eye! Keep up the good work! Xoxo